Welcome to Chart Race Video. This allows you to convert a chart race animation to a video which you can share on other websites. All you need is a csv file and knowledge of the column headers. It works entirely on the browser. No server-side code is needed.

This tool only supports one type of chart race style. I hope to add more charts and styles in the future. Please note that this tool is still new and will definitely contain bugs. Please submit bugs and issues to the Github repo. That will be appreciated.

How To Use

Your csv file should be structured in such a way that enables it to be used for time-based chart race. An example of one is:


You upload the csv file and fill in the required form fields in the form below. Ensure the right column headers are put in their respective form fields. Using the above csv as a template as an example, date will be typed into the Date Column Header form field, name will be typed into the Label Column Header form field and, value will be typed into the Value Column Header form field.

You click on record, and the chart race animation will display. While the animation is running, its video will be recorded by the browser. Once the animation is done, the video will be displayed below the animation. This video can be downloaded by you.

Animation will display here